Monday, 13 August 2012

I've done it, I've bought an iPad!

After been on Blogger now for nine months I have been thinking of ways I can improve my Blog to push it forward into the future. This got me thinking of my laptop and how I have to use multiple web browsers and social media sites to update, post and comment on my blog. This process can lead to hours of uploading and modifying because I've had my laptop for about four years and it is starting to get sslllooowww (and let's face it, four years for a laptop is pretty old!) It made me think, should I invest in a new one? I could do with one for my Blog and for University, so re-investing in a new laptop seemed like a good idea. However, looking into buying a new laptop showed me that I couldn't get one any better than the one I already had with my price range! I was back at the drawing board! That was until my girlfriend asked, 'why don't you get an iPad?', it was like a light-bulb had been lit in my head!
The iPad third generation's Retina screen, pretty awesome!

Since the original iPad was released in 2010, I have always dabbled with the idea of buying into the Apple craze. About a year ago I bought an iPhone 3GS which I absolutely love! However until now I have always seen an iPad as going too far, that I never really needed one because I had an iPhone. But now, with adam-p-reviews up and running, I need all of my Blogging sites (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Goodreads) all in one place. I need something light that I can carry around with me so I can type up some reviews or make notes on wherever I am . Something I can use as a digital screen for watching videos online or reading ebooks for my dissertation. I think the time is now right, I think I now have a reason to use an iPad.

But which one should I buy? I knew that both the iPad 2 and the new iPad have roughly the same performance so my decision  couldn't be swayed by that. What I did know was that the third generation iPad has the new Retina display which is better for watching movies and viewing photos. I have to say, I am a bit of a YouTube fan so watching my favourite YouTube commentators in HD was a big draw to me buying the new iPad.

Another big draw to the new iPad was that it has a much better camera than the iPad 2 and it can record in full 1080p HD, which was also a huge draw for me because I will be putting that camera to use for Blogging purposes!

As you  probably can guess, I went and bought myself a third generation iPad and I love it! It has everything I need in one place. But the main reason I am writing this post is for advice! I want to know if any of you, my fellow Bloggers, have or know of any good apps for Blogging and video editing? If you do, tell me what you use, why you think it makes your Blogging life easier. Or are there any apps you’ve bought that are terrible and would like to warn other Bloggers away from? Let me know by giving me a tweet @adam_p_reviews or commenting in the box bellow! Cheers guys!

My new iPad :)


  1. Did you find any good apps for blogging? I'd really like to use my own iPad more.

    1. A really good one I found was Splashtop. It's an app that lets you use your laptop through your iPad. It's really good say if you have started a post on your laptop and then want to finish it on the go with your iPad. All you need is an Internet connection, plus it's really handy for uni stuff.


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