Thursday, 29 December 2011

Imperium, Robert Harris

Publishers: Hutchinson

Pages: 403 (Hardback 2006)

Main Characters:

Tiro, Cicero

Imperium is the brilliant political novel by Robert Harris. Set in the Roman Republic, it follows the early career of the Roman politician Cicero, looking through the eyes of his slave and secretary Tiro. The novel follows Cicero through each stage of the political hierarchy until he becomes First Consul, giving an insight into the dangerous world of Roman politics. This is the first book of a series. Its sequel Lustrum continues the story of Cicero and his exploits in the Roman government.
This was a good book packed full of excitement and danger and it was a very easy book to read. The detail Harris puts into his books is amazing. For instance, the way he explains the selection process of the minsters for the Roman senate is set out in a very simple way, which helps someone who doesn’t know that much about Roman politics (like me!) understand the plot of the book.
This was a good book I would suggest it to anyone who has read any of Harris’s other novels. I would also suggest it to any fans of the Marco and Cato series by Simon Scarrow. I think it shows another aspect to Roman society that isn’t just about soldiering and the army.

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